Salisbury University Police Monthly Update

The Salisbury University Police Department (SUPD) strives to enhance the educational and cultural experience for all students, faculty, staff and visitors by providing professional, competent and compassionate law enforcement and security services.


Each month, we share important safety information with the campus community. While SUPD is always monitoring campus safety, our safest environment is made possible when we all are aware of our surroundings and are observant to possible threats.

This month’s topic:

Pedestrian Safety

Traveling around Salisbury University and surrounding neighborhoods during the day and at night is much safer when we are vigilant. This includes knowing and understanding the rules of the road.

Bicyclists and skateboarders traveling on campus sidewalks and employees operating golf or utility carts, must be keenly attentive to their surroundings. Pedestrians should recognize that these potential hazards exist at all sidewalk intersections. It is the responsibility of both the pedestrian and the individual operating the vehicle to give full attention to their surroundings and to exercise due diligence to avoid a collision. Talking on a cell phone, texting and wearing headphones are all potential distractors which can contribute to an accident.


In recent years, many area crosswalks have been enhanced with pedestrian-activated lights to warn motorists that a pedestrian is attempting to cross the road. Pedestrians wishing to cross at this type of crosswalk should push the activation button before attempting to cross. Once activated, the lights flash for 20 seconds. Before entering the crosswalk, pedestrians should make sure all vehicles have come to a complete stop.


It becomes even more important to follow these guidelines when traveling after dark, particularly when crossing Route 13. Crosswalks with pedestrian crossing signals are available at the intersection of Route 13 and College Avenue, and the safest crossing point is the pedestrian tunnel under Route 13 at Bateman Street.


Students are encouraged to take extra precautions when attending off-campus social events: Travel in groups, don’t advertise parties on social media, stay off social media apps that display your location while at parties, and don’t hesitate to call police if uninvited guests refuse to leave when asked.

Myth vs. Reality

Please review the following myths & facts regarding pedestrian rules of the road:


MYTH #1: Pedestrians always have the right-of-way.


REALITY:  No, not always. Legally, pedestrians have the right-of-way at controlled intersections and in marked crosswalks, but the law also states that "no pedestrian shall unnecessarily stop or delay traffic while in a marked or unmarked crosswalk." The pedestrian must give the motorist the right-of-way at all areas other than marked crosswalks and controlled intersections.


A motorist is required to bring their vehicle to a complete stop when a pedestrian is crossing in the crosswalk of the roadway and remain stopped until the pedestrian has cleared the lane (half of the roadway) in which the vehicle is traveling.


Remember, if you are on a bicycle, you are a vehicle subject to traffic laws, not a pedestrian. Cyclists should dismount and walk across if they wish to use a crosswalk at a busy intersection..


MYTH #2: You are safe in a crosswalk.


REALITY: Painted lines do not protect you from harm, even if you have the legal right-of-way. This is particularly important at crosswalks without a traffic signal or stop sign.


Pedestrians have a specific duty to exercise care, caution and good judgment for their protection. They should not leave a curb or other place of safety unless there is adequate distance for a motorist to stop and yield.


MYTH #3:  A green light or walk signal means "Go."


REALITY: A green light or walk signal indicates that it is your turn to cross, but first make sure that the intersection is clear and watch for red light runners. Also, make sure that any right-turning cars will yield to you.


MYTH #4: If you see the driver, the driver sees you.


REALITY: The driver may not see you in time to stop, particularly if you are coming from the right and they are looking left for oncoming cars. To be safe, make eye contact with any driver whose path will cross yours, and proceed only when certain the car will stop. On multi-lane roads, do not start across until vehicles in all lanes have stopped. If there is a median, make separate decisions about crossing each direction of traffic.

Pedestrians on the Roadway


Where a sidewalk is provided, a pedestrian may not walk along or on an adjacent roadway. Where a sidewalk is not provided, a pedestrian may walk only on the left side of the roadway as near as practicable to the edge of the road, facing approaching traffic.


Regardless of who has the right-of-way, pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists are responsible for using reasonable care and diligence to avoid injuring anyone who, carelessly or not, may be in the other's right-of-way.


 For more information and safety tips, visit the SUPD webpage.


In the event of an emergency, always dial 911. For non-emergency assistance, call

410-543-6222 or visit the SUPD webpage.

University Police

East Campus Complex (EC)


TTY/TDD Device: 410-543-6083,

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SU is an Equal Opportunity/AA/Title IX university and provides reasonable accommodation given sufficient notice to the University office or staff sponsoring the event or program. For more information regarding SU's policies and procedures, please visit


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